AdelaideX Cyber101xCyberwar, Surveillance and Security

This is a short writing. I did a course about Cyberwar, Surveillance and Security in Edx. That course was offered by University of Adelaide. Here is the link:
This was a beginner course. And these are following things that were highlighed in that course :
WEEK 1: How the Internet Works
Further reading and information
- Tim Berners-Lee “A Magna Carta for the Web”
- Schneier on Security Blog
- **The Big Idea:** Bruce Schneier
Electronic papers
- Jonathan Zittrain ‘The Generative Internet’ Harvard Law Review, Vol. 119, p. 1974, May 2006; Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper №28/2006; Berkman Center Research Publication №2006/1. Available at SSRN:
- Jonathan Zittrain TED talk: ‘The Web as Random Acts of Kindness’ (2009)
- Jonathan Zittrain ‘Will the Web Break?’ (September 1, 2010). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Forthcoming; Harvard Public Law Working Paper №12–08. Available at SSRN:
- Johnson, David R. and Post, David G., Law and Borders — The Rise of Law in Cyberspace. Stanford Law Review, Vol. 48, p. 1367, 1996. Available at SSRN: or
- Travel Guide to the Digital World: Surveillance and Internation Standards (ebook)
- Ian Brown (Ed) — Research Handbook On Governance Of The Internet (Edward Elgar 2012)
- Jack Goldsmith and Tim Wu — Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World (OUP 2006)
- Andres Guadamuz — Networks, Complexity and Internet Regulation: Scale Free Law (Edward Elgar 2011)
- Greg Lastowka — Virtual Law (Yale University Press 2010)
WEEK 2: Hacking and Leaking
Further reading and information
- Why the world needs WikiLeaks
- **Prying Eyes:** Inside the NSA’s War on Internet Security, Der Spiegel
- The End Of Privacy January 31, 2014, NPR Ted Radio Hour
- **PRISM:** Edward Snowden interview
- The Guardian shows NSA slides
- PRISM slides ‘unsucked’
- NSA XKeyScore tool
- Edward Snowden: Here’s how we take back the Internet
- Edward Snowden’s alternative Christmas message
- Richard Ledgett NSA Deputy Director response to Edward Snowden March 2014
- Bruce Schneier and Edward Snowden @ Harvard Data Privacy Symposium
- Citizenfour trailer
- Anonymous documentary
- Submarine cable taps
Electronic papers
- Yochai Benkler ‘The Dangerous Logic of the Bradley Manning Case’ New Republic 1 March 2013,
- Melissa de Zwart, Sal Humphreys and Beatrix van Dissel ‘Surveillance, Big Data and Democracy: Lessons for Australia from the US and UK’ (2014) 37 UNSW Law Journal 713
- Robert Manne ‘The Cypherpunk Revolutionary’ The Monthly (March 2011)
- Alan Rusbridger and Ewan MacAskill ‘Edward Snowden interview- the edited transcript’ The Guardian 19 July 2014,
- Julian Assange (with Jacob Appelbaum, Andy Muller-Maguhn and Jeremie Zimmerman) — Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet (OR Books, New York, 2012)
- Julian Assange — When Google Met WikiLeaks (OR Books, New York, 2014)
- Gabriella Coleman — Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous ( Verso, London, 2014)
- Sulette Dreyfus and Julian Assange — Underground (William Heinemann, Sydney, 2011)
- Glenn Greenwald — No Place To Hide, Edward Snowden, the NSA and the Surveillance State (Penguin Books, 2014)
- Bruce Schneier — Data and Goliath ( WW Norton, New York, 2015)
WEEK 3: Surveillance and National Security
Further reading and information
- Office of the Press Secretary — Signals Intelligence Activities
- North Korea’s cyber army
- Australia’s bill of amendment to the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 197
- Operation Pendennis
- Operation Neath
- Meta data thwarted attack on army base
- Australian government on Five Eyes
- NSA on metadata success
- Thwarted Danish newspaper attack
- New York terrorist bomb plot
- Conspiracy charges
- Flight KAL007
- US — China collision
- Hansen, J (2004) ‘US Intelligence Confronts the Future’ in International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 17(4), 691
WEEK 4: Surveillance, Privacy and Political Engagement
Further reading and information
- **Drone attacks:** UN rights experts express concern about the potential illegal use of armed drones
- How Australia’s new Internet privacy laws will work
Electronic articles
- Bruce Schneier, In Praise of Security Theatre, New Internationalist (January 2007)
- Ben Emmerson, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism. UN doc. A/69/397 (23 September 2014) (click ‘E’ for English version)
- United Nations General Assembly, The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age. Resolution Adopted by the General Assembly on 18 December 2013. UN doc. A/RES/68/167 (21 January 2014)
- United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Annual Report on The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age. UN doc. A/HRC/27/37 (13 June 2014)
- Benjamin Wittes, My Constitution Day Speech at NSA, The Lawfare Podcast **(21 February 2015)
- UN Human Rights Council, Resolution 28/L.27, Resolution on the right to privacy in the digital age, UN Doc. A/HRC/28/L.27, 24 March 2015.
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- George Orwell’s 1984 (ebook)
- Frank Moorhouse, Australia under Surveillance (Vintage Australia, 2014).
WEEK 5: Cyber Security and Cyber Warfare
Further reading and information
- Tallinn Manual
- ILC State responsibility
- International Law in Cyberspace: The Koh Speech and Tallinn Manual Juxtaposed
- Crawford the ILC’s Articles on State Responsibility
- US Dept of Defense Cyber Strategy
- China Cyber Strategy
- Estonia Cyber attacks 2007
- Hollis Georgia attack 2008
- Georgia Cyber Attacks — 2008
- Stuxnet Iran 2009
- Sony Attack 2014
- We’re at Cyberwar: A global guide to nation state digital attacks
WEEK 6: The Future of the Internet
- Siva Vaidhyanathan ‘The Rise of the Cryptopticon’
- The Hedgehog Review: Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture
, (Vol 17, No 1 (Spring 2015).
- ‘We Need an Invasive NSA’ New Republic, 10 October 2013
- Net Loss: Freedom? Edward Snowden, Scott Ludlam and Elaine Pearson on the surveillance state (Progress 2015)
Articles and books
- Siva Vaidhyanathan ‘The Rise of the Cryptopticon’ The Hedgehog Review: Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture, (Vol 17, No 1 (Spring 2015).
- danah boyd, It’s complicated : the social lives of networked teens, Yale University Press, 2014
- Julie Cohen, Configuring the Networked Self : Law, Code, and the Play of Everyday Practice, Yale University Press, 2012
- Siva Vaidhyanathan, The Googlization of Everything (And Why We Should Worry), University of California Press, 2011
Thank you all for going through this long list of links. It might not look so interesting. But you can give them a try. Happy reading. Thanks again.