Does God Exists: From the Perspective of a Programmer

Rafsun Sheikh

Does God Exists? : From the Perspective of a Programmer

Why This Topic?

It is a controversial topic. And humans have been trying to find the answer to this question for centuries. It’s not like that today; I will give a verdict. No! I will share some of my thoughts with you to discuss them, and No arguing among us. We all are different, and we all have different opinions. So better, we try not to hurt anyone’s feelings but to understand others’ perspectives. To talk about perspective,

XI + I = X

Is this an accurate statement? False, right? A summation of 11 and 1 can’t be equal to 10. But please flip your phone upside down and try to reread the statement. Now, it’s changed. Ten is always equal to 1 plus 9. See?

Two-person perspectives often can’t be the same, but that doesn’t mean the statement is wrong. We just have to see it from a different angle. It is sometimes changing the angle by 180 degrees.

Let’s Assume There is Only One God.

I am a Muslim. I was born and raised in a Muslim family, and when I grew up, I again chose Islam after learning about it, which is Not much, but sufficient for me.

There are people here from all religions, and I respect you all. Please correct me if I say something wrong or disrespectfully about anything, even if it’s the slightest thing.

Let’s assume all our Gods are the same and the number is One. So we all believe in a single God, and others don’t believe in that God. I’ve taken the help of this analogy so that the number of different parties remains small. In this case, only two. Believers and Non-believers. By this, it will be easy for me to describe my thoughts and easy for you to understand.

What Being a Programmer Means to Me?

Being a Programmer gives me a strange feeling. Sorry, two strange feelings. First, I feel like a Creator who is not the creator of everything but the creator of some workable codes. By creating those codes, I get the satisfaction of completing some tasks automatically and efficiently.

And the second feeling is getting each step closer to the time machine. It might sound weird about the time machine. Let me make it easy for you. For those who work with Machine Learning, let’s highlight regression problems. What are you doing? You are trying to predict some future that didn’t happen till today but will happen shortly, and you are trying to perfect the model so that your model can expect future value with near perfection. That means you are trying to build small-scale time machines. Now you increase the number of parameters, create a more complex model, and make a better time machine. It’s a lovely feeling for me. You all also feel the same.

Being a programmer means a lot to all of us.

Simple Addition Code

Now let’s build a small program. We will make a summation function that adds two values and returns the result when it finishes the calculation. I’ll write my code in Python. That will reduce the number of lines.

def add(a,b):
result = a + b
return result
total = add(2,3)

Possibility of Generating That Code Automatically

Let’s do some arithmetic. Counting the above code will reveal 69 letters, numbers and special characters( including tab, enter and space buttons). When we try to calculate the total possible characters from an English Keyboard, we will find 97 characters (26 for capital letters, 26 for small notes, ten numbers, and 35 special Characters). So the total number of possibilities for our small code to form independently is 1 in 97⁶⁹. How significant is this number? This is the number :


Can you count the number of zeros?

To evaluate the situation, I tried to simulate the problem by creating a program that will try to make a string length similar to the size of the summation code and match the code. If it matches, it will stop and show the required number of iterations. The code I have written for the simulation is here:

import itertools

def generate_permutations(chars, length):
for permutation in itertools.product(chars, repeat=length):
yield ''.join(permutation)

input_chars = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j',
'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D',
'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N',
'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
'Y', 'Z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', '`', '~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^',
'&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '-', '=', '+', '{', '}',
'[', ']', '|', ':', ';', '"', ',', '<', '.', '>',
'/', '?']

user_input = "defadd(a,b):result=a+breturnresulttotal=add(2,3)print(total)"

length = len(user_input)

count = 0
for permutation in generate_permutations(input_chars, length):
count += 1
if permutation == user_input:

This code defines a function called generate_permutations that yields all possible permutations of characters from a given set of characters chars length of length.

The example usage of the function creates a list of possible input characters and sets the length equal to the size of the input string user_input. user_input is the summation code in a string without the tabs, spaces and following lines. That makes the string length equal to 60 characters. So the number of possible permutations will be 97⁶⁰.

The code then iterates all possible permutations of characters from the list of input characters length of 60, printing each permutation and keeping track of the number of permutations generated in the count variable. If a permutation matches the test input string user_input, the code prints the number of permutations generated so far and breaks out of the loop.

Note: This code could generate many permutations, especially with an extensive character set and length, which could be a problem in terms of both memory usage and processing time. Additionally, generating all possible permutations of a character set can be a computationally expensive operation, so it may be more efficient to use a different approach depending on the specific use case.

I ran this code on my machine for days but could not get close to the expected result. My machine is an ASUS VivoBook with a Core i5 8th Gen Processor, 128 GB M.2 NNMe SSD and 8 GB of DDR4 RAM. A large computer could solve the problem faster.

Simulation of creating the addition code automatically

The Code of Our Life : Genetic Code


The genetic code is the instructions that determine how a living organism’s DNA or RNA sequence is translated into a series of amino acids to form a protein.

The genetic code is essentially the same in all living organisms, with minor variations. This universality of the genetic code is evidence of the evolutionary relatedness of all life on Earth.

Is It Possible for DNA to Form Automatically?

One reason why it is unlikely for DNA to form automatically is the incredibly low probability of the necessary components coming together in the right way to create the complex structure of DNA. To understand this, let’s look at the basic structure of DNA.

DNA comprises two strands of nucleotides, each consisting of a sugar molecule, a phosphate group, and one of four nitrogenous bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, or thymine). These strands are arranged in a double helix, with the nitrogenous bases pairing up in a specific way (A with T, and C with G) to form the “rungs” of the ladder-like structure.


The probability of even a short DNA sequence forming spontaneously is extremely low. For example, a DNA molecule just ten nucleotides long has one chance in 1,048,576 of creating by chance alone. This is because each of the four nucleotides must be present in the correct sequence, and there are only four possible bases at each position.

To put this in perspective, the human genome contains approximately 3 billion nucleotides, meaning the probability of the human genome forming spontaneously is so low as to be effectively impossible.

Furthermore, DNA is not just a simple molecule — it is a highly complex structure that requires a specific sequence of enzymes and other proteins to replicate and function properly. While it is possible that some simpler organic molecules could have formed spontaneously under certain conditions, it is doubtful that the complex structure of DNA could have arisen solely through random chance.

Can My Code Understand Me?

Does the question make sense to you? Let me explain it. I am made of Flesh and bones and fluids. All my organisms are made of complex chemical compounds, and their actions are too complicated to understand, even for humans.

My codes are written in a high-level language, but ultimately they are converted to 0’s and 1’s at the end. Can my codes visualise or understand my mechanism even if they are complex and have a thinking capability? It can know all my mechanisms, but can it understand me? Can it relate to me with anything in its world?

That’s impossible because nothing in its world is similar to mine. They are all pulses of electricity, whereas I am all chemical compounds.

Can My Code Understand Me?

Then It’s Expected That I Can’t Understand The Existence and Intellect of God.

If my code can’t understand its creator, then there is nothing wrong if we can’t understand our creator. Now the question is, do we have any?

To describe this, I will take the help of an analogy. We must understand the thin line difference between Code and patterns to understand that. I’d like to include some parts from the book Origin by Dan Brown here.

“Codes and patterns are very different from each other,” Langdon said. “And a lot of people confuse the two. In my field, it’s crucial to understand their fundamental difference.” “That being?” Langdon stopped walking and turned to her. “A pattern is any distinctly organised sequence. Patterns occur everywhere in nature — the spiraling seeds of a sunflower, the hexagonal cells of a honeycomb, the circular ripples on a pond when a fish jumps, et cetera.” “Okay. And codes?” “Codes are special,” Langdon said, his tone rising. “Codes, by definition, must carry information. They must do more than simply form a pattern — codes must transmit data and convey meaning. Examples of codes include written language, musical notation, mathematical equations, computer language, and even simple symbols like the crucifix. All of these examples can transmit meaning or information in a way that spiraling sunflowers cannot.” Ambra grasped the concept but not how it related to God. “The other difference between codes and patterns,” Langdon continued, “is that codes do not occur naturally in the world. Musical notation does not sprout from trees, and symbols do not draw themselves in the sand. Codes are the deliberate inventions of intelligent consciousnesses.”

Ambra nodded. “So codes always have an intention or awareness behind them.” “Exactly. Codes don’t appear organically; they must be created.”

Now the question is, does God really Exists?


In conclusion, whether God exists or not is a topic that has been debated for centuries, and there is no conclusive evidence to prove or disprove the existence of a higher power. As a programmer, the idea of creating code and perfecting models to predict the future gives me a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. However, the possibility of generating a simple addition code automatically highlights the vastness of the universe and the impossibility of certain things. Regardless of our beliefs or perspectives, respecting each other’s views and striving to better understand the world around us is essential.

The article is edited and proofread by my wife, Zethia Sultana. In this article, I’ve used some analogies from the book Origin by Dan Brown. Those who have read the book should find them familiar while reading this article.

I’d appreciate it if you leave some thoughtful comments below so we can discuss this in detail. And I apologize if I’ve said something wrong or hurtful in my texts.

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Rafsun Sheikh
Rafsun Sheikh

Written by Rafsun Sheikh

Loves creative works and most honestly Machine Learning.And of course Basketball is my favourite game. And I'm also a running enthusiast.

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