What is the purpose of my life?
Hello, may peace be upon all of you. I am a practising Muslim. I know many of you are feeling threatened. As if I'm going to start talking about Jihad or terrorism. Don’t worry. I also don’t like those like you. And I assure you, we don’t preach these things. I just want to randomly talk about what should be the purpose of my life.
First of all, let me tell you that I blog because that allows me to clear my mind. Though this is my second blog post I try to write in my phone’s note if something gets stuck inside my brain. Something has been bothering me for a couple of days. Maybe it started with the start of Ramadan.
I am currently in the final year of my bachelor's degree program. Eventually, I get bogged down with my projects, thesis, assignments, and other university-related responsibilities. And I really like to work. Because of that, my family members call me a workaholic, though I am not. I just want to do good and earn more after this.
Because of all these, I was getting distant from my family. I was talking with my parents hardly two to three times a week. And I was not giving my better half quality time. When I was talking on the phone, I was thinking about something else. Now I see that I was not in my right mind. I was so obsessed with my work that I was ignoring my family.
And this thing was pointed out by her. She was asking me what happened to me. And why do I remain so busy all the time? And I had some bad days at that time. I was not behaving correctly with her, not listening to her words, and not paying heed to anything. When I was not talking to her for a day, that time started asking myself what am I doing? Am I doing right? Is this the right thing to do?
I was asking my lord to guide me, show me the path, and one day I got a Hadith(Words that tells you how a Muslim should follow in his life) about the Rizik(concept about the food we eat, the money we earn, the belongings we use) that there are four types of Rizik. They are:
- Wealth, money, jewellery, land, and all otherworldly things(This is the lowest type of Rizik)
- Good physical and mental health(This is the second-lowest type of Rizik)
- Practising wife, good and practising children(This one is the second-best type of rizik)
- The satisfaction of the Lord, the Almighty, the creator of the world and all the livings Allah(This is the best type of Rizik)
And the lord gives those the type of rizik he/she wants.
And most of us move around this world, work so hard, and study so hard so that we can earn more and more money, have a nice apartment, live in a good neighbourhood, have a lot of furniture and electronics, eat good foods, and travel during our vacations. And the Lord gives us the Rizik that we want and works for and eventually we get all this wealth, money, and costly vacations. And we believe we will be pleased with everything. But is it really the truth? Can we really be happy with all these?
Let me tell you a story. One rich man had three cargo ships. And he was much rich. His three ships were transporting cargo around the world. One day suddenly all the ships sank because of the cyclone and he tried to recover all the ships. And he spends all his savings to recover those ships but could not. Within one day, he became zero-pence poor among the rich.
Wealth is never permanent. If we think we can keep them permanently and those will make us happy then we are totally wrong. All these are from the lord. He may give and take within days. So what should we do now?
We should work for the satisfaction of our lord. You may be Muslim, maybe Christian, maybe Jew, maybe Hindu, maybe Buddhist, it really doesn’t matter. In all our religions the fundamental principles are the same. We can get blessings from our Lord when we start working for humanity, for our family, for the people who really need it, for the system that is already collapsed, for the betterment of people, to wipe the tears, to bring joy to everyone’s face, to educate all, to make this world a better place. Then we can really get the satisfaction of our Lord, we can find peace and with that, we can feel happy. We will realize how foolish we were to seek happiness in money and wealth at that point.

If you feel terrified of what will happen when you stop for 24 hours for money, then I have a small tip for you. Think about the bird and how it gets out of its nest every morning with an empty stomach and gets back with a full belly. It’s because they are provided by their lord who is also your lord, my lord. So don’t feel bad to work for peace, don’t feel scared to work for peace. You will earn enough that will suffice for you, your family, and all others.
I was intending to write a small blog post each day. Please feel free to criticize. I attempted to explain my thoughts to you. I might be mistaken in many places. Please correct me. That would make my day and share what you think. Together, let's create a better world and lead a happy life. Find your place of happiness and start small. One day it will take the shape of a mountain and the world